Sunday, August 12, 2012


This weeks TWD recipe, Berry Galette, gets a PG 13 rating.  With a tablespoon of sugar to a cup and a half of berries, this recipe showcases the natural sweetness of the fruit.  And while I have given it a PG13 rating, for its natural sweetness, which might cater to more sophisticated folks, you could safely serve it, with good results, to children under the age of 13.  For example, one four-year-old taster in my household, natural sweetness and all, labeled it “double yum.”

As for the crust, it has cornmeal in it; it’s genius!  The cornmeal gives the crust a nice crunch.  And while I won’t discard my favorite piecrust recipe, I certainly will use this one again for a galette.          

This recipe makes me want to invite friends over for dinner.  It’s rustic, sophisticated and showoffy all at the same time.  For the recipe go to Tuesdays With Dorie or better yet buy the book Baking With Julia by Dorie Greenspan.